Step On How To Start Raising Rabbits



Beginners Guide To Start 🐰Rabbit🐇 Farming/Raising

Are You thinking of where to buy rabbits of different breeds to start up your Farm? 

Here are some Quality rabbit breed you can get from us (Jahland Animal Farm):-

*Hyla Max

*Hyla NG

*American Chinchilla

*Angora Giant

*New Zealand White

*English Spot

*Coloured Hyla




*Dutch Belted


These different rabbit's breeds are available for sale in different sizes/ages in Jahland Animal Farm.

Kindly Call/WhatsApp 07012948553 to place an order. Or click "Here" to place an order directly from our Online Store.

Please, don't forget to like our Facebook page Jahland Animal Farm.

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 Generally, the Rabbit farming business is associated with 3 major sectors such as

  1. Pet business - They are extra cute, and well demanded as a household pet. 
  2. Meat business - It produces high-quality protein and minerals than chicken and beef. 
  3. Medicine business - They have huge demand as Gini pig and medicine industry.  

If you want to start raising rabbits as a pet or supply them for those three purposes as I mentioned earlier, the primary thing that you have to consider are:-

Steps to become successful in raising rabbits,

Beginners Guide to Start Raising Rabbits:

If you are considering this as a profitable farm business, you need to follow some rules and guidelines. Because you need to make a simple and easy starting procedure.  Here, We have tried to list a step by step procedure for raising rabbits from scratch. Moreover, design a flawless system to produce healthy rabbits.

What you need to know to become successful? 

First, choose a breed and find a cage for housing them. Then, learn about the caring process. Especially, learn about their natural way of behaviors, and most importantly the feeding process.

Moreover, to assure profits in your business, learn about their cycle of reproduction and rapid growth tips.  

Now,  what you need to know about starting a farm?

Before, taking actions a rabbit farmer need to know this:-

  1. Their behavior - Important to strengthen care.
  2. Shelter - Make plans for housing before start raising rabbits.
  3. Feeding process.
  4. Care, setup, and maintenance
  5. Diseases and the prevention steps
  6. Most importantly the breeding process.

Here, in this guide, we would love to share our experience and tips so that you can understand those six steps clearly. Let's begin.

Rabbits Behavior:

On a farm, you must provide a healthy environment. Otherwise, the growth will be hampered. In addition, they can be less productive. Even if grow them as a pet, you have to learn their behaviors.

  • General Information:

    • Rabbits are originated from Europe and Africa,
    • Adult rabbit can grow up to 40 centimeters,
    • At the adult age, normally it has 2.5kg - 5kg (depends on the breed).
  • Habitat in Captivity: You can rise them everywhere. As the perfect home, it loves the tranquil environment. They do not survive well in the hottest places. However, they are comfortable in a home under a shade or tree that has guard against heat exhaustion or hypothermia.
  •  Common Behavior:
    According to their manner, their common characteristics are:-

    • They are very social creatures, enjoy gentle companionship.
    • Barris are very crafty and quick.
  • Body Language:

    They are usually silent pets with subtle body language. A rabbit's response can vary based on their age, personality, or past experiences. However, it's common to see rabbits who are frightened or in pain develop habits such as aggression or hiding.

  • Maturity: Around 16-24 weeks.
  • Gestation: Normally, one month 30 days.
  • Life span:  On average, eight to twelve years.
  • Daily Water Intake: On average 100ml+.

However, These animals are often misunderstood. People think that they are timid- due to their natural response to noises and quick movements. This behavior is a survival characteristic typical to maximum bunnies.

Rabbit cage Size and Maintenance tips:

Cage selection is a crucial part of Rabbit Farming. Females are so habitual in cages.


  • The minimum recommended size is 1.1 meters (12 sqft.) for living space, hight should be 2-3 meters (depending on rabbit hight) and  9.7 meters (32 sqft) area for playing or movement.
  • However, a perfect cage for Rabbit farming in commercially or hobby or use another measurement 36 in wide, 30 inches deep, and 16 inches tall which suitable for rearing all types of Rabbits.


Other sizes may also work well. However, the most important part is providing enough space for movement. Now, there are some considerations too. Like -

  1. Multiple compartments: A rabbit requires a good-sized hutch or cage preferably with two chambers.
  2. Cage Materials: The cage must be made of steel and wood. If you made a cage through wood then it will be more effective with the same measurement.
  3. However, there is a little offbeat for males or doe during pregnancy. The does like to build their own nest by using a straw and their own body hair. 
  4. Playing  Space: If you are growing them commercially, then you have to consider a minimum amount of run/exercise space (able to take three hops). This is essential and ensures healthy animals.

Case Maintenance: 

This is important because good house maintenance is notably related to success. It will reduce diseases and also support good health.

Keep Does and bucks in different cage. Only, during breeding season you should keep them together.

Here are some tips-

  • Always ensure clean water and grain containers.
  • Please, keep the hutch in a sunny place in an avalanche of fresh air.
  • Provide Nest Box in breeding time.
  • Moreover, in other to prevent diseases sometime (each month) clean cages with one cup of chlorine bleach mixed with a gallon of water.

Rabbit Care Tips

The caring process is different at different stages and different maturity. However, the general and daily basis care system based on the 2 seasons. However, we should take concern and steps to prevent hassles, especially in two seasons.

Rabbits Care in Summer:

We should take some necessary steps that keep healthy.

  • Trim long hair.
  • Careful about feeding, do not feed them such kind of food which increase body temperature
  • Always, provide fresh drinking water.

Rabbits Care in Winter Season:

Rabbits do not tolerate excessive colds, so you need to ensure warm and comfortable housing during the winter season. Here are some tips form rabbit farming experts. Additionally, if you implemented a few tips that are very helpful for all Rabbit.

  • Use a jute bag or warm carpet.
  • Provide that food that keeps them warm.
  • Always try to clean nest and dry as much as possible
  • Moreover, place them in sunlight one time a day.
  • If possible fix up a light on the cage or hitter
  • And, provide fresh water plus maintain drinkable temperature.

Remember: Female rabbits require additional care in the breeding time.

Foods and Feeding Tips:

Rabbits love to eat fresh vegetables, pellet and hay.

The best foods that support a healthy diet are:-

Hay, Green grass and vegetables, fruits, pellets (minimum 18% fiber). However, do not provide these feeds - Bread, Avocado, Chocolate, Biscuits, Potatoes, and rice.

Here is the general daily feeding ratio of adults:-

  1. Grass and Hay - provide 24 hours access to this feeds and the ratio should be 70 -80%.
  2. Fresh Veggies and herbs ( Broccoli, lettuce, turnips, tomatocarrots, radish tops, beet greens, cucumber leaves, wheatgrass, etc.) – 10-15%.
  3. Healthy Treat - 5%.
  4. Dry food (Mixed feeds, Pellets) 5%-10%.

Breeding Cycle, Procedure, and Care:

A female Rabbit is sexually matured within 3 to 4 months.

Females are habitual in cage and males a little bit different.  generally, males should place in a different cage. for breeding do not place the male rabbit in a female cage it's too dangerous always remember females should be kept into the male cage and follow up till the end of all process. then separate after completing this task. Within 13 days pregnancy has been detected.

Rabbits Breeding Cycle:

The modern feeding process of Rabbit with organic methods.

The food selection process is different according to their consuming percentages. It actually relays on their ages and breed type such for adult Rabbit (6 months):
At that age, we have to provide various type of Food like vegetables, spinach, carrots, and cucumber and green leaf because those things have the ability to contain Major things like:-

1. Protein
2. Fiber
3. Minerals
4. Calories
5. Crude
6. Metabolic Energy

Note: If you are rising for commercial purpose, you can use some food which can be collected from the poultry food shop. Additionally, that food contains many nutrients and also works as a supplement. Even supply sufficient clean water is just before and after providing food.

Pregnancy Time Caring Tips:

This is quite dangerous or Risky time. So farmers have a concern about all those things which are needed but among those steps, the feeding process should be sufficient and change the feeding process or diet process for mothers. If proper nutrition has not provided perfectly children could be aborted.

However, there are distinct tips which occur to be important:-

Before two or three days of pregnancy - Cut off food and continue to provide clean water with few vitamins cause it helps during child delivery of birth time.

At this level, farmers should change the total dieting process for the mother rabbit. A mother Rabbit needs more weight and for gaining weight farmers should select food lists such as carrots, a mixture of vegetables, cucumber, and lettuce beside provide some vitamins and minerals after consulting with the doctor. Most importantly always provide clean water.


Final Verdicts

At this point, you should have a clear understanding of rabbit farming. I have tried to provide the latest growing procedure and tips for caring. But, if you have any other query you can ask in the comment below. Also, do not forget to share it with your friends.

Are You thinking of where to buy rabbits of different breeds to start up your Farm? 

Here are some Quality rabbit breed you can get from us (Jahland Animal Farm):-

*Hyla Max

*Hyla NG

*American Chinchilla

*Angora Giant

*New Zealand White

*English Spot

*Coloured Hyla




*Dutch Belted


These different rabbit's breeds are available for sale in different sizes/ages in Jahland Animal Farm.

Kindly Call/WhatsApp 07012948553 to place an order. Or click "Here" to place an order directly from our Online Store. We offer Nation Wide delivery With Pay on delivery service.

Please, don't forget to like our Facebook page Jahland Animal Farm.



For any correction or addition, kindly send it via WhatsApp 07012948553

To us. Or you can add it in the comments section below👇👇👇



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